EUC Transport - electric unicycles



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Electric unicycle

Electric unicycle is a type of universal electric urban transport. This will allow you to move not only along the bike path, but also along the sidewalk, the path in the park. You can easily take it by public transport. Keeping a scooter is easy; it does not take up space at all. It is easy to carry. You will quickly learn how to ride and appreciate its benefits.

What is an electric unicycle?

In structure is a self-balancing one wheel scooter with two running boards located on both sides. Inside the monowheel are gyroscopes, sensors, accelerometers, a battery and an motor with a power of 250-2000 watts. The pedals automatically balance back and forth. Balancing left and right is performed by the rider and is controlled by tilting the body and turning the entire device left and right with his feet.

Electric monowheel in a plastic case, has a handle for carrying. On the top panel are on / off button, battery indicator and charging connector. The steps add up to store and transfer the device. An electric monowheel has neither a rear nor a front side, the operation of device is completely symmetrical.

Device: motor, battery, brakes

Most scooter single wheels are self-balancing when moving only in the driving direction (single axis).  During the movement, lateral stability is provided by raider.  All similar devices use torque control gyroscopes, auxiliary pendulums, accelerometers.

When the power is on, electronic gyroscopes using accelerometers begin to change the moment of engine power so that the wheel housing, tilted by the pilot through the pedals, restores the horizontal position. Longitudinal equilibrium is achieved by adjusting the device to the center of gravity of raider and the scooter itself with one wheel.

Dynamic lateral balance provides centrifugal turning forces that occur when the wheel is tilted to the sides. Thus, the automatic unicycle is controlled by tilting your body forward, backward and sideways. When fully stopped, pilot of device must maintain balance, like on a motorcycle or bicycle, with one foot on the asphalt.

Benefits of Using

The scooter single wheel runs on batteries and has many advantages over other types of vehicles. Here are the most obvious:

  • You can move quickly and easily. Means speed, mobility, maneuverability, compactness, freedom of action.
  • A motorized unicycle is large compared to scooters or skateboards, and since the tire is inflatable, you can jump over an obstacle.
  • You do not need to think about parking, you can easily take an scooter single wheel with you in public transport or in buildings.
  • You do not think about fuel, since it is charged from any electrical outlet, and the time to fully charge the battery is only about 3-4 hours.
  • This is an device that is environmentally friendly and does not pollute the air with harmful exhausts.
  • The design of motorized unicycle is stable and prevents falls, even if you lose balance, it is easy to jump and stay on your feet.

Another advantage is the fact that it does not require a driver’s license or registration with the traffic police.

How fast can you learn to ride a unicycle?

Training takes from 15 minutes to an hour. First try to put your foot on footboard and shake it. You will feel how it moves and how an electric monowheel reacts to it. Try moving the one wheel scooter back and forth while standing on one leg on the sidewalk. Then stand on steps with two legs and hold on to something.

Try moving forward by tilting your body. At first you will feel that it is unreliable. The smoother you are, the better it will be to listen to an electric unicycle. See where you want to go, and then you just shift your center of gravity a bit in that direction, and you start moving there.

This is a little scary, but not too much. The more relaxed you are, the better. If in doubt, catching the balance will be more difficult. You can go cycling the same day.


Some believe that using an airwheel one wheeled electric skateboard requires wearing protective equipment for roller skates, because of the danger of falls. In Russia, riding on this device is equated to a pedestrian.

The danger of riding a monowheel is a collision with obstacles: in this case, the wheel decelerates sharply and does not keep pace with rider who deviates forward by inertia, which makes it fall.

When leaving the recess, some one wheel scooter stop and drop pilot due to lack of engine power. From this point of view, the most powerful models are the safest.


Where to buy

We sell monocycles more than 3 years and have enough experience to provide you best service with top products. Order electric airwheels in our store and be happy and tuned!